Irgun, one of the key Zionist Terrorist Organizations that helped in the creation of Israel

Israel was a state conceived through terrorism by terrorists.

A Nazi is a Nazi, [whether] he be a Jew or otherwise, and it is a false sentiment of the Jewish people to condemn Nazism and condone Jewish fascism….Protest by the Jewish socialist group Hashomer Hatzair, 13th March, 1946, at a secret meeting of the Hagana[h], which would become the core of the Israel Defense Forces.”i

Israel and the US do all they can to gaslight everyone to believe that Israel is not the worst problem in the Middle East.

Israel and its allies, particularly the US, have long endeavoured to portray the image that all of Israel’s supposed adversaries are terrorists, and that Israel is never accused of being terrorists. The news outlets disseminate this gaslighting nonsense, and they are pitiful for not being able to recognise the truth if it hit them in the face. Like all the American congress members under control who have been given hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars to defend Israel regardless of how cruel Israel is to the Palestinian people, their only loyalty and devotion is to Israel.ii

Irgun: One of the Most Violent Jewish Zionist Terrorist Groups in History.

This is a quick overview of Irgun, also known as Etzel (often abbreviated as IZL). It was one of the first and most significant Jewish paramilitary terrorist organisations that terrorised the Palestinian people and the British administration of the Palestine and Transjordan areas.

Invading, capturing, and holding land until they created a Greater Jewish State including all of Palestine and Transjordan was the Zionist aim. Attacks by Jewish terrorist organisations such as Irgun helped advance the Zionist agenda. The Zionist terrorist group Irgun, led by future Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, claimed in a press release on April 13, 1948, that four days earlier, in the village of Deir Yassin, they had massacred Palestinians, lining up, photographing, and killing men, women, and children on the basis of their ethnicity. Irgun had carried out this crime in collaboration with Haganah’siii approval and support. Irgun declared that their goal was to attack, seize, and occupy Palestinian territory until they created a Greater Jewish State that would encompass both Transjordan and all of Palestine. In a press statement dated April 13, 1948, Irgun declared that “their slaughter at Deir Yassin,” … was “the first step.”iv v

Avraham “Yair” Stern: The Founder of Irgun.

Avraham “Yair” Stern, a former Haganah member who was disenchanted with the organization’s practices, created the Irgun. Revisionist Zionism, which promoted a more aggressive strategy to establish a Jewish state, had an impact on the organization’s worldview. The Irgun’s motto, “Only thus!” expressed their conviction that using force was required to accomplish their objectives.

Irgun was born in reaction to the Haganah’s apparent incapacity to cope with Arabs resisting the illegal Jewish settlement invasion on Palestinian lands. By using violence and terrorism, the Irgun aimed to compel the British administration to leave Palestine and create a Jewish state.

Some of the most notable Israeli politicians who were also terrorists—members of the Irgun—were:

1) Menachem Begin—Begin was Israel’s Prime Minister of Israel from 1977 to 1983. He was the leader of the Irgun from 1944 until it was disbanded in 1948.

2) Yitzhak Shamir—Shamir was a member of Irgun’s high command and he became the Prime Minister of Israel from 1983 to 1984 and also from 1986 to 1992.

3) Ariel Sharon—Sharon was a member of Irgun in his youth and then also was Israel’s Prime Minister from 2001 to 2006.

The following are some of the most significant and evil acts of terrorism committed by the Irgun:

The British administrative headquarters were located at the King David Hotel in Jerusalem. On July 22, 1946, the Irgun destroyed the hotel. 91 individuals died as a consequence of the attack, including 15 Jewish and 17 Arab city dwellers, as well as British politicians, troops, and public servants. Menachem Begin, Nathan Friedman-Yellin, Moshe Sneh, and Itzhak Ish-Shadeh (Feldman) were a few of the bombing conspirators. Four years after the attack, Begin allegedly told the Knesset that “Ben-Gurion himself ordered the King David bombing.”vi In the wake of the worldwide censure, the Irgun released a statement on the 24th, accusing the British of being to blame for the King David attack, expressing remorse for the presence of Jews among the deceased, and asserting that it had placed calls to the hotel advising them to leave. According to British archives from the time, the hotel had not received any such call to evacuate, and the author’s encounter with an explosion victim supports this claim. The Irgun’s allegation contradicts their timing of the bomb for the peak foot-traffic in and around the hotel by the local population. The Haganah / Irgun lies did not fit the evidence against them; plus, they bombed the hotel when the area was most populated with civilians.

Naturally, the Jewish terrorist groups felt compelled to destroy the hotel because the British Authority Administration office in the hotel had damaging records on the Jewish Agency that it obtained during Operation Agatha (29 June 1946), proving their involvement in earlier acts of terrorism against the British. It was necessary for Haganah to order such records destroyed. The British carried out Operation Agatha, which involved raids and searches of colonies in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Haifa, and other places, in search of weaponry and intelligence. Also, during their search of the Jewish Agency, they discovered other documents that named Jewish terrorists and their activities.vii

In 1947, the Irgun and the Lehi (Stern Gang) executed the Acre Prison break. In the prison raid, the terrorists freed 28 Jewish and Arab prisoners.

On 9 April 1948, Zionist terrorist groups Irgun, Lehi, Haganah and Palmach perpetrated the massacre in the Palestinian village of Deir Yassin, which is located near Jerusalem. The Jewish terrorists killed 107 innocent Palestinian villagers, including women and children. “The massacre was carried out despite the village having agreed to a non-aggression pact…it was a central component of the Nakba and the [devastating] 1948 Palestinian expulsion and flight….The massacre greatly accelerated the 1948 Palestinian expulsion and flight and strengthened the resolve of Arab governments to intervene, which they did five weeks later, begging the 1948 Arab-Israeli war.”viii ix

The gaslighting propaganda of the mainstream media has lied about the King David Hotel massacre, saying it was the deadliest terrorist attack on the Palestinian people by Jewish terrorists. There are two assaults that have caused more damage: the 1940 bombing of the Patria, which was three times deadlier and resulted in about 267 deaths. More innocent civilians would die in the carnage in places like Deir Yassin than in the King David attack, which claimed about 120 lives. At least one of the Irgun’s bombs on Palestinian markets on July 6, 1938, claimed more lives than that attack.x As of late, it is possible to argue that the Palestinian genocide in Gaza is the worst Jewish terrorist attack on civilians; it is not a battle, since a war would imply that the Palestinians had an army; rather, it is primarily the slaughter of thousands of defenceless people. It ought to be evident that the Israeli army is eradicating the Palestinian people and driving them out of Gaza in order to retake the territory and develop it for the benefit of Israel’s Jewish population. Ultimately, the terrorist organisations in Israel have said for decades that eliminating the Palestinian people was a component of their Greater Israel Project strategy.

The Jewish Zionist terrorists didn’t always see eye-to-eye.

In 1948, after the establishment of the Israeli state, an incident called the Altalena Affair occurred. Tensions between the Irgun and the newly-formed Israeli government led to a violent confrontation. The Irgun attempted to import weapons on the ship Altalena, which the government viewed as a threat to its authority. Israeli forces shelled the ship, resulting in the deaths of 16 Irgun members and three Israeli soldiers. After the Altalena Affair, the Irgun disbanded, and its members were integrated into the newly formed Israeli Defense Forces.

Brigadier Sir Iltyd Nicholl Clayton KBE (1886 – 1955), who was a British Army officer in WWI and WWII, and was involved in the formation of the Arab League, made the illuminating statement that because Zionists support terrorism, “we might one day even see Menachem Begin head the Zionist Organisation,”xi and ironically, Begin became Israeli Prime Minister and even more ludicrous is that he received the Nobel Peace Prize. Clayton correctly stated, “In dealing with political Zionism, we are dealing with something based on sentiment, on lust for power and I believe hatred for the West, and that it is fundamentally unjust……..”xii

In summary, the Irgun terrorist group used acts of terrorism and killings to further their goal of creating a Jewish state while operating in the British Mandate of Palestine from 1931 to 1948. The group’s violent and callous acts, like the bombing of the King David Hotel, the slaughter at Deir Yassin, and several other horrific and lethal assaults, contributed to the ongoing war between Israelis and Palestinians. In Israeli politics, opinions on the Irgun’s legacy are still divided; while some ardent Zionists see the group as liberation warriors, others denounce their terrorist activities and the devastation they caused innocent citizens.

The act of terrorism against Palestinian citizens has persisted more recently: Israel has been using bombings and famine to carry out a genocide on Palestinian citizens since October 7, 2023! The Palestinian Health Ministry claims that Israel has killed 35,709 people thus far. The IDF and Mossad terrorists are still continuing this heritage. There have been almost 80,000 injuries as a result of the explosions. With precision, the International Court of Justice declared this to be a “genocide” and declared without reservation that Israel had committed several war crimes against civilians.xiii Zionists seem to view terrorism as a natural and persistent evil that they use to achieve their goals.

i TNA, KV 5/34, 112a. See also FO 371/68504, 17-18. (TNA stands for The National Archives, and KV refers to records of the Security Service and its predecessors.)

ii“Open Secrets Following the Money in Politics.” Open Secrets Following the Money in Politics, Accessed 23 May 2024. According to this source, Joe Biden is the biggest scumbag puppet of Israel, having received so far $4,261,010 in cash from Israel-related organisations.

iii Haganah was another Jewish terrorist group, founded in 1920 during the British Mandate for Palestine, and it disbanded in 1948. It became the core force of the Israel Defense Forces when Israel declared its independence. Irgun had broken away from Haganah in 1931. Lehi, another of the Jewish Zionist terrorist groups, broke away from Irgun in 1940. Eliyahu Golomb was the main founder of the terrorist group, Haganah. Source: “Haganah.” Wikipedia, 28 Apr. 2024, Accessed 23 May 2024.

iv Suarez, Thomas. State of Terror. EBook Partnership, 2016.

v TNA, CO 733/477/5, 148.

vi Suarez, Thomas. State of Terror. EBook Partnership, 2016.

vii The Jewish Agency for Palestine was allegedly the largest Jewish non-profit organization in the world, established in 1929, and as an operative branch of the World Zionis Organization (WZO).

viii “Deir Yassin Massacre.” Wikipedia, 21 May 2024, Accessed 23 May 2024.

ix Morris, Benny. 1948: A History of the First Arab-Israeli War. Yale University Press, 2009. pp. 126-128.

x Suarez, Thomas. State of Terror. EBook Partnership, 2016.

xi Suarez, Thomas. State of Terror. EBook Partnership, 2016.

xii TNA, KV 2/1435, Robertson to Smith, 264C; For Iltyd Clayton, CO 733/478/2, letter from Cairo, 26 July 1946; CO 733/478/2, 112A (eight dots at end in original).

xiii “Gaza Death Toll Passes 35,700 amid Relentless Israeli Onslaught.”,, Accessed 23 May 2024.

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