In a previous post I started my list of “TOP SIX FAVOURITE ARTISTS”, with Canaletto as #1. In this post are my #2 & #3 Favourites, Boris Vallejo and Julie Bell.

Boris Vallejo (Peruvian, b. 1941) & Julie Bell (American, b. 1958), “TAMAR’S VISION” (2004).

Boris Vallejo (b. 1941) & Julie Bell (b. 1958)

My #2 favourite artist is Boris Vallejo (b. 1941), who is a contemporary Sci-Fi, fantasy erotica painter from Lima, Peru. He also paints amazing alien creatures. He just so happens to be married to my #3 favourite painter, Julie Bell (b. 1958). 

Julie is an American painter originally from Texas. Julie is also a Sci-Fi, fantasy, and wildlife painter. They share a studio together in Pennsylvania. Besides original paintings and commissions work, they create work for private and corporate art collections; their works are also in demand for use in illustrations, on movie posters, and book covers.

I placed Boris and Julie together because they often collaborate on works, including the example painting above, titled “TAMAR’S VISION”. It is a beautiful Sci-Fi/Fantasy erotica painting of a sexy woman-spider hybrid character, who seems to be located on some far-away planet and lives in a post-apocalyptic world. Her confidence and causualness suggests that she is an ‘apex predator’ on her planet. She may have magical powers, at least I can imagine that.

Boris and Julie’s artworks inspire me when I am working on my “Alien Landscapes” and spacescapes art pieces.

Like most of Boris and Julie’s paintings, their works are not only interestingly beautiful, but their artworks are highly imaginative Science Fiction works…and that is one of the main reasons I love their works—I love Science Fiction. Both of these artists are experts at painting otherworldly creatures; but in addition, Julie Bell is especially great at painting wildlife—her horse paintings are excellent.  

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