Imagine my HORROR! But NOT Surprised that Complete GARBAGE yet again, Wins the Turner Prize. It is the same as if Doctor Victor Frankenstein would have won the BEST Plastic Surgeon Award! Tetanus Shots Should be Required before Visiting Most Modern “Art” Abominations.

MODERN ART AWARDS make about as much sense as if Awarding the Winner of the Best Plastic Surgery Award to Dr. Victor Frankenstein.

Artwork by Victor Lozada – Classic Frankenstein – 2018.

J. M. W. Turner would be so HORRIFIED that his name was being used to promote a Modern Art award where the winners are nothing more than Ugly, Sad, Talentless Modern-Art-Abortions.

Lest ye remind yourself of the Magnificent Masterpieces Created by the Great Artist, J. M. W. Turner, to realize that the Modern Art award that uses Turner’s name is purely sacrilegious and completely disrespectful! Turner’s paintings were about Objective Beauty in Nature, done with Masterful Skill and Attention to Detail, Colour, Atmosphere, and Tone.

He would NEVER have approved of allowing his name for an art award that praises shite-art! If these asshats who run the Modern Art Scams want to give awards to crap-art, then they should instead award a Twombly Crap-Art Award to these frigg’en no-talent lunatics that seem to get the attention of other Modern Art woke-lunatics.

“To select, combine and concentrate that which is beautiful in nature and admirable in art is as much the business of the landscape painter in his line as in the other departments of art.”

J. M. W. Turner
J. M. W. Turner (1775 – 1851) – “Fisherman at Sea” – 1796. Tate Museum Collection. This was the first oil painting exhibited by Turner at the Royal Academy. Credit Line: Tate, London, 2011.

The Establishment that Runs the Modern Art Scam has Utter Contempt for Beauty in Art and that is Why No-Talent Art Frauds are considered for what should be Serious Art Awards and Accolades, such as the Turner Prize!

Roger Scruton summed up the problem with Modern Art in his scholarly work, “Why Beauty Matters” (2018):

“Judgments of beauty are neither subjective nor arbitrary, and are a necessary part of practical reasoning in any attempt to harmonise our activities and way of life with those of our neighbours….People need beauty. They need the sense of being at home in their world, and being in communication with other souls. In so many areas of modern life – in popular music, in television and cinema, in language and literature – beauty is being displace by raucous and attention-grabbing cliches. We are being torn out of ourselves by the loud and insolent gestures of people who want to seize our attention but to give nothing in return for it…this loss of beauty, and contempt for the pursuit of it, is one step on the way to a new form of human life, in which taking replaces giving, and vague lusts replace real loves.”

Scruton, Roger. “Why Beauty Matters.” The Monist, 2018, 101. p.p. 9-16.

“It is clear in the modern world things are – ugly. Much modern art is not a depiction of something great or inspiring, rather it is random and hard-to-comprehend splatters of paint with a meaning that must be uncovered using some sort of reason, which leaves the viewer feeling unfulfilled. Likewise in architecture, where instead of building great cathedrals and inspiring villas, contemporary styles emphasize concrete cubes reminiscent of Soviet Khruschevkas, and unordered chaotic layouts.”

First, Stavros. 2023. “On the Destruction of Beauty.” New Guard Press. November 27, 2023.

2 thoughts on “Imagine my HORROR! But NOT Surprised that Complete GARBAGE yet again, Wins the Turner Prize. It is the same as if Doctor Victor Frankenstein would have won the BEST Plastic Surgeon Award! Tetanus Shots Should be Required before Visiting Most Modern “Art” Abominations.

    1. LOL! Absolutely…a lot of these so-called modern art wonders are in reality, health hazards. Dangers to the real art society and the environment. I am just amazed that artists who care about beautiful artworks have not risen up against the soulless demons who run the art world.


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