THE GOVERNMENT KAKISTOCRATIC Cabrónes are up to SKYNET Bullshit, as Predicted by the TERMINATOR Franchise — Yeah, what could possibly go wrong with this….

So, I ask Google’s AI Chat, Bard, when it would essentially become SKYNET. Bard pretends at least to be more cautious about AIs killing humans than the idiots in the Industrial War Complex. Here is Bard’s response:

“When will an AI SKYNET like military system go online?”

The development of an AI system as advanced as Skynet from the Terminator movie series is a complex issue with no easy answer. While there has been significant progress in AI research in recent years, it is still far from clear when or if such a system will become a reality.

There are a number of technical challenges that would need to be overcome in order to develop an AI system that is as sophisticated and dangerous as Skynet. These challenges include:

Achieving artificial general intelligence (AGI): AGI is the ability of a machine to perform any intellectual task that a human can. While there has been progress in developing AI that can perform specific tasks, such as playing chess or recognizing faces, we are still far from achieving AGI.

Ensuring that AI systems are safe and reliable: AI systems that are capable of making autonomous decisions about warfare could pose a significant risk to humanity. It is therefore essential to develop AI systems that are safe, reliable, and accountable.
Preventing the misuse of AI technology: AI technology could be misused by individuals or groups to cause harm. It is therefore important to develop safeguards to prevent the misuse of AI technology.

Given the technical challenges involved, it is difficult to predict when or if an AI system as advanced as Skynet will become a reality. However, it is important to continue to research and develop AI responsibly in order to mitigate the risks and maximize the benefits of this powerful technology.

Whenever I hear politicians, Big Pharma, Big War, Big Chemical, say that something is “Safe and Effective”, or, “Safe and Reliable”, you can be guaranteed that it is 1000% BULLSHIT!

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