MAYSA’ – (June 2008 to Thanksgiving 2022)

I never posted a memorial sort of portrait of my Maysa’ , who died last year on Thanksgiving. She was with me when she was small enough to fit through the hole in a chain link fence—That’s what happened—Our neighbour found Maysa’ in her yard, and didn’t want to take care of her, and she carefully pushed her through a hole in the adjoining chain link fence. I said, “yeah, I’ll raise this little fart”. She’s the only cat to have ever imprinted on me, which was cool. It was really difficult when she got cancer. It was a bigger bummer that she died on Thanksgiving day. Well, I am grateful that she was part of my life. Of the cat portraits I created, I liked this one of her the most, probably taken in late 2008, I don’t remember.

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